Press Photographs
The current press photos of the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz are available for download. In the archive you can also see older press photos.
You are free to use at no charge the press photos provided on this page for current reporting. Please always include the complete copyright details. Once the digital images have been used, they should be deleted. The press photos are available for download for a limited time. Thereafter you can find them in the archive.
If you wish to use press photos for a purpose other than that described above, for example, for promotion, scholarly lectures, or the like, please send an e-mail to the press and public relations office. In such cases, there may be fees for their use. If you are looking for images other than those available here, please address the bpk-Bildagentur für Kunst und Kultur.
Note on Data Privacy
No password is required to download documents. In order to conclude a legally valid contract for use, however, you must share your contact information with the Foundation. This will be stored until three months after the publication deadline of the downloaded images. During that period, the Foundation uses your data only for purposes of documentation and for quality management.