Construction Projects

Some of the foundation's buildings have shaped Berlin's cityscape for centuries. Many of them are architecturally significant monuments. The further development of its sites and the preservation of its buildings are a central concern of the SPK.

Until German reunification, the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation erected numerous new buildings for its collections in the western part of the city, for example in Dahlem and at the Kulturforum. Since 1990, the Foundation has also assumed responsibility for the historic museum and library buildings in the former eastern part of the city. Many of its buildings are architecturally significant monuments. The maintenance, renovation, extension and modern technical equipment of these buildings are central tasks of the foundation. The Building and Technology Department is responsible for this.

The Foundation is the client for all construction work in the buildings of its institutions. The Foundation's budget for construction work is financed by the federal government. Most of the projects are carried out by the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR).

Sustainable construction and energy management

The building sector is one of the most important fields of action for achieving SPK's sustainability goals - climate neutrality by 2035. New construction, refurbishment, building maintenance and building operation are all geared towards this goal. With the support of SPK's sustainability officers and a large interdisciplinary network, the Building and Technology department is working to make SPK's buildings efficient and attractive for the future.

Special building maintenance program

In 2020, the Foundation-wide special program for building maintenance with a total volume of around € 250 million and a term of ten years was approved by the Budget Committee of the German Bundestag to maintain SPK's buildings. All measures under the special program are also examined from the perspective of sustainability and energy efficiency.

Museumsinsel Master Plan

3D-Visualisierung der Museumsinsel Berlin nach Fertigstellung aller Baumaßnahmen, Blick von Süden
© SPK / ART+COM, 2012

The Museumsinsel is a unique architectural ensemble and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The renovation of its historical buildings and the development of the island for the future follow a master plan. more


Foto des von innen erleuchteten Glaskubus des Lesesaals
© bpk / Jörg F. Müller

Both of the Staatsbibliothek’s buildings have been subject to various construction and renovation measures for several years now. The concept of “One library in two buildings” is being implemented. more

Nationalgalerie at Kulturforum

Außenansicht der Neuen Nationalgalerie
© SMB / Roman März

In future, the Nationalgalerie will be housed in two buildings on the Kulturforum. These are the refurbished Neue Nationalgalerie and the newly built museum of twentieth-century art, which will constitute a tightly circumscribed unit. more

Central Storage Facility of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

3D visualization of the central storage facility of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
© AV 1 Architekten

The new building in Friedrichshagen will provide storage and workshops for various collections of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. The shared location is expected to result in synergetic effects. more