Media Library
The media library gives you direct access to images, documents and, in the future, to video and audio files on the website. At present, the documents available here include brochures, guidelines, and concepts. All of the website's image galleries can be viewed here too. You can get images for downloading in the Press section or from the bpk Bildagentur (Picture Agency bpk).
Haupteingang, Blick von Nordosten. Die Freitreppe vor dem multifunktionalen Medienraum an der Nordfassade dient zugleich als Zugang und als Aufenthaltsort. Auf dem Balkon (Nord-West) befindet sich der Außenbereich des Museumscafés © Herzog & de Meuron Museum of 20th Century
11.02.2016 - The Kulturforum is due to get a new building for a museum of the 20th century. Together with the refurbished Neue Nationalgalerie, it will form a closely integrated unit. The two…
English edition of the Humboldt Forum Magazine
15.06.2016 - In the Humboldt Forum Magazine, curators and exhibition designers introduce their concepts for the presentation of the collections of the Ethnological Museum and the Museum of…
About the media library
The media library on the Foundation’s English-language website will publish only the documents that have been translated into English. The media library is still under construction. It will gradually be expanded with more content.