Declaration on Accessibility

This declaration on accessibility applies to the website of the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation) published at

As  a public body within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2016/2102, we strive to make our websites and mobile applications accessible in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities (BGG) and the Accessible Information Technology Ordinance (BITV 2.0) for the implementation of Directive (EU) 2016/2102.

State of Compatibility with the Requirements

The accessibility requirements are pursuant to Sections 3 (1–4) and 4 of the BITV 2.0, which was issued on the basis of Section 12d of the BGG.

The verification of compliance with the requirements is based on a self-assessment carried out between August 3, 2020 and August 14, 2020 on the basis of a BITV-WCAG test report of July 12, 2019 accompanying the development work.

According to the review, the website is only partially compatible with the aforementioned requirements, owing to the following incompatibilities.

The items listed below are classified as not accessible for the reasons given:

  • The brightness contrast of the frame of the general search function box is currently insufficient in the non-active state, within the meaning of requirement 1.4.11 WCAG 2.1.
  • The current position of the focus is not yet clear enough for using the keyboard with some elements, within the meaning of requirement 2.4.7 WCAG 2.1.

Measures to meet those requirements that have not yet been satisfied will be implemented in the course of website maintenance as soon as possible.

Date of Creation and Latest Update of the Declaration

This declaration was created on August 18, 2020 and last updated on October 18, 2021.

Report Barriers to Access: Contact Us with Your Feedback

Have you encountered barriers that you want to tell us about? Would you like to hear how we are improving accessibility? Our service personnel are available to receive feedback and provide information. Please contact them by clicking on "Report Barrier".


If no satisfactory solution has been found to the issue that you have reported to the contact mentioned above, you can inform the Arbitration Service, according to Section 16 BGG. The BGG  Arbitration Service has the task of assisting with the out-of-court settlement of disputes, in the event of disputes between people with disabilities and public authorities of the federal government. The arbitration procedure is free of charge. There is no need for you to call in legal counsel. Further information on the arbitration procedure and the options for submitting an application can be found at the website of the Arbitration Service.

You can contact the BGG Arbitration Board directly at