
All museums, libraries, and archives within the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz are engaged in continuous dialogue with academia, culture, and society. Their educational offerings are aimed both at a broad audience and specialists.

The museums, libraries, archives, and research institutes of the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation) are social places for learning and communication. With its offerings for the general public, its goal is to address as many groups of people as possible. For example, the joint project museum4punkt0, led by the SPK, is dedicated to digital mediation. The transfer of knowledge of the Foundation and its institutions is also directed at the national and international world of experts.

Cultural Education

Eine Frau und eine Kindergruppe sitzen auf dem Boden vor einem Gemälde
© SPK / Pierre Adenis
Numerous people from Germany and abroad visit and use the Foundation’s museums, libraries, and archives. Its offerings to impart culture and fulfill its task of educating are correspondingly broad. more

Transfer of Expert Knowledge

Zahlreiche Personen sitzen an einem Tisch, auf diesem sind Unterlagen ausgebreitet

The Foundation and its institutions perform a supporting function for the scientific and cultural worlds. They share the results of their research activity and their expertise in numerous tasks with the world of experts. more


Illustration museum4punkt0
© SPK / Stephanie Scholz

The joint project museum4punkt0 networks institutions of different sizes and orientations. The partners develop digital offerings for new ways of learning, experiencing and participating in museums. more