Networks and Portals
The Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz is a participant in numerous networks with the purpose of structuring and coordinating digitization. The Foundation is also involved in developing national and international portals that provide worldwide access to digital cultural heritage.
The Foundation contributes its experiences and resources in the field of digitization to a number of collaborative projects and networks. These are often concerned with establishing and coordinating workable structures. Such structures are essential when implementing a long-term project such as the comprehensive digitization of cultural heritage items.
The Competence Network of the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
The Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek offers comprehensive access
to digitized cultural heritage in Germany. It is supported by a competence network of important cultural and scientific institutions in all fields. more
The Europeana portal is the central platform for the digitized and digital cultural heritage of Europe. It brings together more than 30 million digitized objects from around fifteen hundred cultural and scientific institutions. more
AthenaPlus is a network of institutions from the EU member states. It is intended to supplement Europeana by providing additional inventories of digital content and developing creative possibilities for the use of digital content. more
EUBAM: Working Group on European Matters for Libraries, Archives, Museums, and Historical Preservation
EUBAM is an interministerial working group for European matters concerning libraries, archives, museums, and historical preservation. It addresses multidisciplinary questions about the approach to cultural heritage in Europe. more