The Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz as an Employer

As a public employer, the Foundation offers attractive conditions such as individual regulation of working hours, opportunities for professional development and salaries in accordance with the rules for civil service.

The Tarifverträge des öffentlichen Dienstes (Wage agreements for the civil service) and all federal laws and regulations apply to all our employment relationships. Thus the Foundation also offers special payments in accordance with the wage agreement and performance-based bonuses. The Foundation makes an employer’s contribution to its employees’ private pension program.

The Foundation supports job equality for men and women. It also ensures equality of opportunity for people from different cultural backgrounds, age groups and qualifications as well as people with special needs. It helps its employees adapt their work conditions to their living situation.

The compatibility of family and career is of particular concern to the Foundation. For example, it offers its employees flexible work hours and special leave and other release from work as required.

The Foundation supports its employees in improving their competencies with regular appraisal interviews and with a broad range of opportunities for continuing training. Personnel development also helps employees to achieve their individual career goals.

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 Sabine  Holschneider
Sabine Holschneider

Head of Human Resources Department

+49 030 266 411500
