The Humboldt Forum: “To Be in Touch with as Much of the World as Possible”

The Goal and Significance of Germany’s Most Important Cultural Project at the Beginning of the 21st Century. By Hermann Parzinger

Deckblatt der Broschüre Humboldt-Forum. „So viel Welt mit sich vereinen als möglich"

The President of the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation) presents the opportunities of the Humboldt Forum project for Berlin and its redesigned historical center. The cultures of the world will be presented here in an appropriate way. The Humboldt Forum will also be a place for reflection in a world of global interrelationships.

Ed. Stiftung Berliner Schloss – Humboldtforum

Berlin, 2011
52 pages with numerous illustrations

The Humboldt Forum: “To Be in Touch with as Much of the World as Possible” (PDF, 2,7 MB, document not barrier-free)

To overview