Future of Hamburger Bahnhof Secured
News from 06/27/2022
Foundation Board approves lease, but purchase of the property remains long-term goal
The German federal government and the real estate company CA Immo Deutschland GmbH have taken the first step toward securing Hamburger Bahnhof’s continued future as a center of arts and culture. They have agreed that the building will be leased to the government for a term of twenty-five years with an option to extend. The lease was approved today by the SPK Foundation Board and will be signed in the next few days. It is still hoped that the federal government will purchase the property at some point in the future.
SPK President Hermann Parzinger said: "Hamburger Bahnhof is looking to the future with renewed confidence – it will remain a venue for contemporary art. I am very grateful to the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media, Claudia Roth, for her part in achieving this goal after years of uncertainty."
Roth stated: "Hamburger Bahnhof is one of the largest and most important public collections of contemporary art in the world. I am delighted that we have taken this important step toward securing it for the public in the long term. This will benefit Berlin as a center for arts and culture, as well as cultural life in Germany more broadly. I would like to thank both the Federal Agency for Real Estate Management, which conducted negotiations on behalf of the government, and CA Immo."