Donating Funds and Works

All of the Foundation's facilities and areas of activity would be delighted to receive your donation: You can donate to the Foundation as an overall institution, to your favourite institution or collection or to selected topics and projects that are important to you!

With your donation, you can support the foundation in making acquisitions, enabling the cataloguing and research of works and realising their publication.

In addition, your donation can help us to implement educational programmes for children and young people, digitise important writings and objects, restore valuable works of art, organise exhibitions and much more. Even small amounts are helpful! Donations in kind are also very welcome.

The areas of education and outreach, exhibitions, acquisitions, digital projects and restoration always need support.

If you would like to make a donation, we would be delighted! Please get in touch with us. We will be happy to advise you.

Mann sitzt vor einem Gemälde und restauriert es
Auch die Restaurierung von Gemälden, wie hier das Gemälde "Ruhe auf der Flucht nach Ägypten" von Lucas Cranach dem Älteren (1472-1553), kann unterstützt werden. © Thomas Imo


Ute Ottofülling M.A.


+49 030 266 412726


Donation account

Deutsche Bundesbank
Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
IBAN: DE42100000000010001039

We are very pleased about your support! Please be sure to indicate the organisation you would like to donate to or the purpose for which the donation is to be used. Thank you very much!

Donations to the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation are tax-deductible as special expenses. You do not need a donation receipt for donations under 300 euros. The tax authorities will accept your bank receipt as a receipt. We will automatically issue you with a written donation receipt for donations of 300 euros or more.