Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek receives funding from "Neustart Kultur"

News from 09/14/2020

The Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek is to receive funding through the German government's NEUSTART KULTUR funding program, for the user-oriented restructuring of the library.

Mosaic of different pictures
© Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek

The Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (German Digital Library) brings together the digital collections of cultural and scientific institutions in Germany, serving as a single point of access to them. Its project for the user-oriented restructuring of the library is to receive grant money through the federal government's NEUSTART KULTUR funding program.

The intention is to make the user experience intuitive for every user and design the system so that it can suit different needs. The focus is on new formats and media for interactive engagement and participatory cultural outreach. At the same time, the partner institutions of the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek will receive funds to assist them in digitizing their collections.

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