News Archive
Results 221 to 230 of 249
bpk-Bildagentur to Be Central Online Shop for Museums, Archives, and Libraries
14.03.2017 - Funding approved by Monika Grütters will make the digitized images in the possession of all German cultural institutions more accessible
„When It Comes to Cultural Heritage, Digitization Alone Is Not Enough“
08.03.2017 - The Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek, or DDB, is a digital platform for Germany's cultural and scientific heritage. Approximately 20.5 million books, documents, images, and audio…
Provenance Research Project regarding Mosse Collection
07.03.2017 - The „Mosse Art Research Initiative“ (MARI) was presented to the public today. SPK is partner to the project which is an unprecedented initiative in provenance research.
The Whole World on One Island
24.02.2017 - For the first time outside of the Villa von der Heydt: At their 2017 yearly press conference at the Altes Museum, the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz demonstrated that all sights…
More Luther!
01.01.2017 - 2017 is fully dedicated to the Reformation. The world is celebrating this historical event 500 years after Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of a church in Wittenberg…
Lost sculpture from the Antikensammlung rediscovered in Russia
28.12.2016 - The Calvatone Victory was displayed until 1939 in the Altes Museum on Berlin’s Museumsinsel and has been missing since the end of the war. Recently, it has been found in St.…
SPK cancels Tehran exhibition
27.12.2016 - Parzinger: Iran still not issuing export permit for works of art – SPK committed to cultural dialogue
Unearthed: the Real Relationship between Berlin and the Berliner Schloss
21.12.2016 - For years, the Berliner Schloss has been at the center of numerous debates. Alongside the issue of the Humboldt-Forum, discussion has primarily centered on one question: should it…
Lasting Success: the Gipsformerei
21.12.2016 - The budget committee of the Bundestag recently decided to support the Berliner Gipsformerei with a grant of 520,000 euros. We spoke with Miguel Helfrich, director of the…
ECHY 2018: How Culture Can Save Europe
19.12.2016 - European Cultural Heritage Year 2018 (ECHY) aims to increase the awareness and visibility of culture as a unifying element in Europe. On December 19, 2016, the project's five…