Department of Budget and Financial Services, and Internal Services

This department is responsible for the Foundation’s budgeting and accounting. It coordinates pan-institution fundraising, the SPK’s construction projects and issues of internal service.

 Dirk  Ueckert

Dirk Ueckert

Head of Department Budget and Financial Services, and Internal Services

+49 030 266 412500


 Tamara  Tchikobava

Tamara Tchikobava

Personal Secretary of Head of the Department of Budget and Financial Services, and Internal Services

+49 030 266 412501


 Zeynep  Yürekli-Gökce

Zeynep Yürekli-Gökce

Assistant to the head of department

+49 30 266 412502


Links for Additional Information

Contact for General Enquiries

If you have a general question or do not know your contact person at the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation), please contact the reception.


+49 030 266 412889
